Baking soda for penis enlargement: external and internal use, massage, bath, compress

Unfortunately, most people believe that sodium bicarbonate is only used in cooking and to cure heartburn. But a large amount of research has been conducted showing that sodium bicarbonate can be successfully used not only for cooking or as a substitute for household chemicals.

In addition, baking soda helps to enlarge the penis and is used to treat many diseases.

Sodium bicarbonate therapy for male reproductive system problems, as well as soda penis enlargement, helps men forget fertility problems and no longer worry about sex life.

  1. Before learning how to enlarge the penis with baking soda, you need to get rid of the inflammatory conditions. Sodium bicarbonate has a drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Taken together, all this leads to the suppression of any inflammation and the development of disease.
  2. One of the principles of penis enlargement with baking soda is to increase strength. At home, you can restore a normal erection, getting rid of possible inflammation in the prostate area. Enlargement of the penis with baking soda leads to an increase in blood supply in the specified area, which becomes the reason for the development of a stronger and longer erection. Using this home remedy, you can achieve amazing results and please your partner during sex.
  3. soda powder for penis enlargement
  4. Soda not only affects the size of the penis, it helps prevent the growth of tumors: both benign and malignant. Sodium bicarbonate solution, which is alkaline, helps prevent cancer cells from dividing. Also during the study, it was noted that common sodium bicarbonate suppresses the formation of metastases, and thus prevents the multiplication of malignancies in the body. Therefore, how to enlarge the penis with baking soda can also help prevent the growth of tumors.
  5. One way to enlarge your penis with baking soda is to apply it inside. It helps to get rid of stagnation. Congestion in the pelvic organs develops with a sedentary lifestyle, frequent car trips. Together with dietary disorders, this leads to the formation of potency disorders, which weaken the ability to get an erection. Enlargement of the penis with baking soda is also accompanied by restoration of erection and sensitivity during sexual intercourse.
  6. The use of sodium bicarbonate can also strengthen the immune system. This contributes to the prevention of diseases of the organs of the male reproductive system.
cans of soft drinks to increase penis size

On the internet you can find a lot of controversy about whether soda can enlarge the penis or not. Its use not only aids in changing the size of the penis but also helps to restore potency. And the large number of uses of soda for penis enlargement, as well as its availability, make it an almost indispensable tool.

When trying

Penis enlargement with baking soda is a simple and affordable way to lengthen the penis at home without surgery.

Among the main indications for the use of soda solution for penis enlargement are:

  1. A man's dissatisfaction with the size of his genitalia.
  2. Desire to lengthen the penis without resorting to medical help.
  3. Lack of steady, firm erection.
  4. Short intercourse time.

With the help of soda, you can really enlarge your penis, improve potency, erectile function and make intercourse longer.

But how to enlarge penis with baking soda is not completely safe. This method of penis enlargement has a number of contraindications, limitations that must be borne in mind before starting treatment. It is absolutely contraindicated to use soda for penis enlargement if a man has the following health problems:

  • Diabetes.
  • Increased gastric acid index, peptic ulcer lesions.
  • Increased tendency to allergic reactions, individual intolerance.
  • Hepatobiliary disease.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Prostate tumor.

These restrictions apply to the use of the product as solutions for internal use. The use of soda solution for penis enlargement is contraindicated in cases of ulcers, wounds, burns of the skin and mucous membranes in the intended area of application, allergic reactions, dermatological diseases, fungi, infectious diseases, skin rash, local inflammatory processes in the penile region.

soda solution for penis enlargement

Today, there are many ways to enlarge the penis: surgery, taking supplements, using special creams, vacuum pumps, as well as weight gainers that can be harmful to men's health. In addition, massage is recommended to enlarge the penis, and traditional medicine does not stand aside.

One of the popular methods of penis enlargement that has been successfully applied for a long time is the use of baking soda. This method can be easily combined with other methods such as massage. Another advantage of using baking soda is its relative safety, as opposed to many creams that are not so clear.

Application for sexual dysfunction

Now let's talk about baking soda for penis enlargement. It can be used as a bath or to prepare ointments.

To prepare a soda bath, you need to dilute 100 grams of powder in a liter of water. The container must be deep enough to fit the penis.

The subtleties of a fresh water bath:

  1. A procedure no more than 15 minutes.
  2. Can't drink both hot and cold water, the best option is body temperature water.
  3. Bathing was carried out daily for 3 months.
  4. After finishing the procedure, I rinse the penis with clean water.

Some sources recommend bathing twice a day for 15 minutes each time for a month.

Results will be seen if the bath is arranged after performing certain exercises.

Important! It is unacceptable to use soda if only the smallest lesions, inherent small scratches on the genitals. In this case, there may be severe irritation and burning sensation.

You can prepare ointment to increase penis size at home in the following way:

soda ointment for penis enlargement
  1. Mix baking soda with enough water to form a paste.
  2. Water is added slowly, while constantly stirring the future ointment.
  3. If the ointment is used on its own, it should be gently massaged into the penis for 10 minutes.
  4. The ointment can be rubbed before exercise, after which the procedure should take no more than a minute.

To see successful results, the rubbing procedure is carried out several times a day for a month.

Another simple ointment is prepared as follows:

  1. Add a teaspoon of honey to 25 grams of baking soda.
  2. The ingredients are mixed until smooth.
  3. Ointment is rubbed into the penis along its entire length.

In general, honey does not affect the increase in size but it will increase libido, longer intercourse time. Ointment can be used more than once a day.

Be careful, honey is the strongest allergen, so do an allergy test before using it.

After doing with baking soda, you should take a relaxing bath for the penis with the addition of different herbs. It can be Peruvian maca, ginseng, ginkgo biloba. Such herbs not only have a soothing effect, but also promote growth.

Another fun way to use soda to enlarge your penis is with a swab:

  1. The same solution is being prepared for the bath.
  2. A gauze cloth is dipped in the composition forming a kettle.
  3. Place a tissue on the penis.
  4. Keep it for no more than 20 minutes.

When the member is in a sexually aroused state, the procedure cannot be performed. Well, if you really want to, then you don't have to touch the head area, it's very sensitive, even soda water can harm it.

After applying, the penis should be washed with soap.

Apply moisturizer because the baking soda dries out your skin. The cream can be replaced with a special tool (cream, gel, spray) to enlarge the penis.

In addition, magnification techniques can be as follows:

  1. The penis is completely lubricated with vegetable oil.
  2. A little soda is smeared on top.
  3. Gently massage with rhythmic movements, so to speak, into the resulting mass.

You can also suck on baking soda orally. One teaspoon of powder is diluted in a glass of water and taken after meals. Some men use milk instead of water.

It is difficult to say that this method is effective for penis enlargement, but the reviews and photo reports of some craftsmen make you believe it. In addition, this drink will strengthen the immune system. In order not to get stomach diseases, you can drink soda for no more than 14 days.

As you have seen, it is quite possible to enlarge the penis by folk methods with ordinary soda. But the results are much more convincing if this technique is combined with exercises, herbal baths, and sprays (gels, creams). And don't forget - a good result takes time and perseverance and regular implementation of certain courses.

Baking soda will help enlarge the penis and help restore erectile function in men. Usually, even with the large size of the man, it is difficult for the man to satisfy the woman - the erection is weakened, the duration of intercourse is reduced, the sensation of sexual intercourse is lost.

Sodium bicarbonate does not stimulate the onset of arousal, but its use contributes to a quick and, importantly, free recovery of potency. And the timing of intercourse, as well as the strength of the erection, plays an equally important role.

Therefore, knowing how to enlarge the penis with baking soda, you can get rid of the insecurity caused by damaged private parts at home.

Enlargement of the penis with soda occurs due to the neutralization of the negative influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. In addition, sodium bicarbonate stimulates increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs, leading to increased potency.

  • Drinking soda tea can help treat diseases of the male reproductive system. Sodium bicarbonate normalizes the production of secretions, allows men to restore hormone levels and normalizes natural formations.
  • Soda tea inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. It is used to stimulate the regeneration process at home. Its use helps to improve health and aid in the recovery process.
  • The alkaline environment of the tea soda solution is harmful to all pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the normal microflora rapidly normalizes and multiplies in an alkaline environment.
  • An important point! It should be borne in mind that the use of sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system can only be done by men. Women have an acidic environment in the vagina, and therefore they are forbidden to use sodium bicarbonate.
  • To better understand how soda affects penis enlargement, you should familiarize yourself with the effects of free radicals and heavy metals on the body. Sodium bicarbonate promotes the elimination of these compounds from the body, thereby helping to restore male health and change the size of the penis.

It should be borne in mind that, even knowing how to increase the penis with soda at home, you need to remember that the basis will be exactly the systematic approach. Irregular procedures will not provide guaranteed stable results. With the systematic implementation of all recommendations, the use of sodium bicarbonate will help to cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals.

Soda app

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a white powder. It has a large number of useful qualities, is used in cooking, cleaning, as well as in the treatment of many diseases. Soda is used to treat thrush in women, but this product has other uses for men.

Before learning how to enlarge the penis with baking soda, you should decide if you really need it or not. Scientists have long proved that for a woman's sexual satisfaction, large genitalia are not needed - here technology is very important. But if a man dares to take such drastic measures, it is better to start with the simplest, most accessible and relatively natural method, such as using baking soda.

Application methods

The application of sodium bicarbonate depends not only on the quality parameters but also on the time of expression of the results. Soda penis enlargement is a complex operation that can be performed with both the use of topical remedies and a complex effect.

All methods of penis enlargement with soda have multidimensional effects. This leads to the fact that you can get rid of most diseases, and at the same time increase the penis with free soda. The combination of methods helps to get rid of hesitation and problems in the sexual sphere.


One way to enlarge your penis with baking soda is to drink soda tea. This application helps to cleanse the body and prevent the formation of tumors. An important point with this type of usage is to enable all exchanges. That is, taking sodium bicarbonate, you can achieve weight normalization and restore the normal course of all metabolic processes.

An important point! This method increases the activity of the sperm - they become harder and more alive. Therefore, this method and how to increase the penis with baking soda is worth applying for men who are still intending to have children.

If a man is protected by interrupted intercourse and does not consider fertilization, he will have to use additional barrier methods of contraception.

This method allows you to enlarge the penis with soda at home and is more applied as a preventive measure, since in severe diseases it will not be possible to give the full desired effect.

To prepare the solution, you will need 0. 5 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate and a glass of warm milk. Dilute soda in milk and drink this solution. The shelf life of this tool is up to one month. You should use this recipe once a day, every day.


The intestine is an important organ in the functioning of the body. It maintains the level of immunity and, in addition, normalizes the blood supply to the prostate gland. Therefore, one of the ways to enlarge the penis with soda is to use prophylactic drugs.

They heal the intestines, cleanse them and stimulate increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. Combined, this leads to increased blood flow to the genital area, stronger erections, and an increased penis due to more blood flow.

For such a differential preparation, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate with one liter of warm boiled water. Apply microclyster once a day for at least a month.

Alkaline bathroom

One of the most common methods of treating reproductive system diseases is the use of alkaline baths. This method not only provides an effective way to enlarge the penis with soda, but also helps prevent prostatitis and vaginal infections. These baths help to cleanse the body of toxins, get rid of slag and improve metabolism.

Bath soda to increase penis size

An important point! A carbonated soft drink bath is the perfect choice for those who are struggling with excess weight. They help increase the blood supply to the skin, thereby increasing the rate of metabolism. This leads to a faster breakdown of body fat.

It is better to plan to use the bath in the evening, before going to bed. Sodium bicarbonate affects the activity of the nervous system, providing a relaxing effect. This helps you fall asleep easier and faster. Water temperature must match body temperature to avoid skin burns.

To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 500 g of baking soda in 3 liters of water. This solution must be diluted in the bath to a comfortable temperature. The duration of such a bath is up to 30 minutes. You need to complete the shower with a contrast shower. The use of this method allows, in addition to increasing the penis, to improve health.

Another secret to penis enlargement with tea soda is to use concentrated baths. Their use has no contraindications and side effects. The only caveat is damage to the integrity of the skin of the penis - this can cause a burning sensation.

But sodium bicarbonate has strong regenerative properties, and therefore it can be used to accelerate the healing of skin lesions.

This recipe is often found in videos and pictures on how to enlarge your penis with soda. It is easy to prepare and use. This solution will require 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a cup of water. Mix ingredients and stir until smooth. In such a solution, you need to lower the penis for 10-15 minutes.

The formula delivers quick results that appear within the first hour of use.


Baking soda is considered as one of the most effective ways to increase penis size using baking soda. It stimulates increased blood circulation in the applied area leading to rapid change in penis size. This method can be applied independently at home without fear of negative consequences.

Many men note that after applying the application, they experience dry skin. To avoid this situation, after applying, you need to apply cream to the surface of the penis and take care that the soft drink does not dry the skin of the penis.

compress with baking soda for penis enlargement

This recipe for boost requires a minimum of ingredients. To prepare the compress, you will need a few drops of water to make the sodium bicarbonate into a paste.

The contact time of the compression is up to 15 minutes. If you look at the penis after rinsing off the composition, you may notice redness and feel a slight heat in the penis area - this is due to increased blood circulation. An increase in size can be noticed within minutes of rinsing.


There are also videos on the website where penis enlargement soda is used as an ingredient in massage. Alternatively, honey can be included in the massage mixture. This technique allows you to stimulate blood flow more actively, as several methods are used at the same time to increase the size of the penis.

It can be seen that honey helps milk benefits more clearly. This is due to the large amount of anti-inflammatory components in the composition. The recipe for penis enlargement with soda using honey is very simple: you need to mix honey and sodium bicarbonate until smooth and massage the penis with this mixture.

before and after photos of penis enlargement with soda

The results of how you can enlarge your penis with baking soda can be seen in the before and after photos. It helps to visualize the use of baking soda for penis enlargement in practice. At home, you can help the growth process on your own by starting to use baking soda in your teens.

How to use baking soda properly to increase penis size

With the help of soda, which almost everyone has at home, you can make a bath for the penis. They will help firm the penis. To bathe, you need one teaspoon of baking soda per cup of warm water. It is necessary to shower for at least 15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be performed one hour before sexual intercourse.

You can also use baking soda to exfoliate. To do this, you need to first moisten the penis, and then rub the soda along the entire length with gentle movements. As a result of these manipulations, blood begins to actively flow into the genitals. But you need to be aware of the negative side of this approach. Baking soda can irritate and burn your penis.

It must be applied very carefully. Although the sodium bicarbonate particles are very small, they can damage the very thin and sensitive skin of the penis, causing pain. Rubbing it with baking soda enhances erections and although a bit mild, actually enlarges the penis. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to drink soda with milk, this will help promote overall health.

Not too common, but the method of using baking soda to increase penis size is also very effective is to use an ice pack. Soda is spread on a clean cloth (perhaps a bandage folded in several layers), soaked in some and applied to the internal organs. You can leave this gauze for 15-20 minutes, but not anymore.

Do not let soda get on the tip of the penis, so as not to injure it!

Remember that using baking soda can cause allergies. After the procedure, it is imperative to wash the penis with warm, soap-free water.

What effect does baking soda have on penis growth?

As practice shows, soda cannot act as an independent means for enlarging the male genitalia. It is more of an auxiliary element.

Authority to solve. The main property of baking soda is to penetrate the body's tissues without hindrance while thinning the blood.

Just such a feature helps to enlarge the penis due to the free circulation of blood. This is especially true when performing various exercises that involve multiple injuries and blood clots.

Are there any contraindications to use?

Each technique of penis enlargement has its own contraindications, and soda is no exception. Procedure should be dropped:

  • For men with diabetes, it certainly won't help here. The cause is due to a direct effect on the blood corpuscles.
  • Presence of malignancies. Soda has a blood-thinning effect, such an environment is very favorable for the multiplication and spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
  • Sensitive skin. When men's skin is not only sensitive but also dry, soda causes irritation and inflammation.

Before using baking soda, test it on your hands, if there is no discomfort or irritation 30 minutes after applying, the product can be used on the genitals.

There are also contraindications for taking soda inside. For example, an increase in acid in the stomach, when soda soaks in, will form a peptic ulcer. If soda is contraindicated for you, you can try other home methods to enlarge your penis. For example, use herbs.